Thursday, October 12, 2023

Screaming into the void

 I scream into the void

Not because I have to 

Not because I want to

but because I can

I know it makes no difference

screaming or not screaming

my eyeballs will turn to jelly

to be picked apart by scavengers

upon my vacation from my body

But what happens until then

is somewhat in my control

not because I lose control

but because I never had it to start

Saturday, April 15, 2023

We dun effed it up

Well folks, the time is nigh. The end is near.

The United States of America's run at hegemony is coming to an end. And it appears increasingly unstable and destructive on the world stage.

Just take a look at the Nord Stream 2 bombings according to Sy Hersh over at his substack. This is credible journalism from a trusted source. The actions of the leaders of the United States mirror that of a terrorist organization.

This is going to damage our relations with allies.

Next, look at the conflicts raging in the world. Israel is looking very close to committing genocide against the Palestinians. Oh the irony! It seems like humanity has entered a new age of embracing your immediate emotions and gunning your enemies down with a maniacal cackle instead of taking a thoughtful and peaceful road. We are sliding into a new authoritarian age.

Russia and Ukraine cant find peace. that conflict has cost untold lives. Both sides are dug in. The bodies just keep piling up.

This is an age where the most ruthless will grab for power. Where brains devolve to basic limbic functions because all you know is trauma. Monsters will rise from these depths, it only seems obvious. When you push violence towards people and call them animals, its all they will know and they'll respond with whatever means they have.

I can't fathom an approach where peace and justice prevail. What follows will be the time of revolutions. Maybe peace will appear where humans have come back into balance with the globe. Who know how long we got until then.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

On Our Prospects

*Takes bong rip* *Exhale*

Humans have the resources to solve our common problems collectively. See "The Conquest of Bread" by Peter Kropotkin [1,2]

Every human being has an identity and should be able to travel the world freely.

My ideal government is small. It should be local people getting together to solve their collective problems fairly.

The idea of a federation of states like an empire is an abomination. Lets work together without centralizing power.

History shows that given enough time, all empires will crumble.

It's really difficult to survive without other people near. We are social animals.

My belief is that humans and many other large mammals/birds/fish/plants will be extinct soon(~1000-5000 years). This is hard to imagine for those of use living in the interconnected, globalized, digitized society today. The climate science shows that we are tipping the world into a new norm with higher avg temps, likely sea level rises but increased carbon dioxide in our atmostphere[3]. (From Charlie Zender's discussion with Chris Ryan)

The last surviving humans will be part of a local tribe. Their immediate neighbors will be their natural world and other nomadic tribes they trade with. That's how we started. That's probably how it will end. 

None of what we do really matters in long run.


Sunday, September 5, 2021

what the universe tells me

It's ok to indulge in whatever emotions you're feeling.

Life will have its ups and downs.

Everyone of us is trying to be good (according to their morality).

We have nothing to gain from ripping each other apart.

No one person has all the answers.

Lean on each other- we like to help one another.

Think about how to use your powers to benefit those around you rather than ways to benefit yourself.

Technology has benefits and drawbacks.

Power is not easy to see.  Those who wield it often have little.

What story do we want to leave behind in our wakes?

Scary stories will always be with us.

Death will come to visit everyone some day.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

First Post

Well congratulations fellow humans, you found the personal blog of Krakhed, the greasy, drug-addled, libtard. I am starting a blog just to put my thoughts out there and engage with anyone who wants to discuss the topics that come up.

This blog may be a little rambling. I think there may be some cathartic release because I have been bottling up almost all of my criticism of the systems that we have built to transact and provide for our needs, but this screaming into the void has become necessary for me as a way to look at my own thoughts and see what kind of feedback I get from sharing my ideas. I doubt the ideas expressed here will be unique. In fact I'm bound to pull things from the stuff I've been reading and listening to over the years. I will do my best to give credit to the original authors and provide links when relevant.  

So why am I starting a blog? Human beings are storytellers, just look at the rich traditions  still visible today and the great bodies of work preserved in museums and passed along through our modern systems. Oral cultures can be found all over the world that use storytelling techniques as the basis of their culture. These are often passed down from generation to generation and in some tribes, this is their system of laws and social agreements that govern the people.

These words are unlikely to ever be found on in a printed form, but who knows which screens and eyeballs they will appear in front of. I think there is a desire in each of us to tell a story. It could be a personal story, or a parable that hits on a cultural moment. We also want to be the hero of our own personal story. This is explained in Ernest Becker's masterpiece "The Denial of Death".

So maybe this is my way of trying ward off death in some way. I heard Chris Ryan in a Tangentially Speaking podcast recently talk about how he received the advice to always write as if your words are being read from beyond your grave. And this may be truly a way of immortalizing myself if all of my possessions are eventually destroyed and me and the family that I know and love has been gone for centuries. Though I'm not holding out hope that these words will survive for anyone.

I've never built any institution or program that made a lasting social impact that I can recall, so my words are probably worth whatever you paid for them. But I look around at what's going on in the world and what efforts are being made in which areas and I see a lot of problems that aren't really going away. In fact we're not even really focused on the right problems in meaningful ways except for those intrinsically motivated individuals and critics that are mostly ignored.

Most of us are just trying to survive and build a better life for our future selves or our families. And we are highly suggestible by the culture and our leaders. But here's problem number one in my opinion: Where is our culture headed? What does our public discourse determine for ourselves and our neighbors? These are probably questions best answered by philosophers and politicians, but hey, an armchair philosopher can take a stab at them too.

We are swimming in doodoo. And what I'm going to try to do in this space, is beat back the ocean of doodoo that surrounds us with my tiny broom. I'm not a qualified or experienced person in much of anything really. But I still do have a curiosity for the world, and I'm a natural skeptic and critic. I don't mean to offend anyone with anything I'm writing here.

Til next time, Friends

Screaming into the void

 I scream into the void Not because I have to  Not because I want to but because I can I know it makes no difference screaming or not scream...