Thursday, April 7, 2022

On Our Prospects

*Takes bong rip* *Exhale*

Humans have the resources to solve our common problems collectively. See "The Conquest of Bread" by Peter Kropotkin [1,2]

Every human being has an identity and should be able to travel the world freely.

My ideal government is small. It should be local people getting together to solve their collective problems fairly.

The idea of a federation of states like an empire is an abomination. Lets work together without centralizing power.

History shows that given enough time, all empires will crumble.

It's really difficult to survive without other people near. We are social animals.

My belief is that humans and many other large mammals/birds/fish/plants will be extinct soon(~1000-5000 years). This is hard to imagine for those of use living in the interconnected, globalized, digitized society today. The climate science shows that we are tipping the world into a new norm with higher avg temps, likely sea level rises but increased carbon dioxide in our atmostphere[3]. (From Charlie Zender's discussion with Chris Ryan)

The last surviving humans will be part of a local tribe. Their immediate neighbors will be their natural world and other nomadic tribes they trade with. That's how we started. That's probably how it will end. 

None of what we do really matters in long run.


Screaming into the void

 I scream into the void Not because I have to  Not because I want to but because I can I know it makes no difference screaming or not scream...