Well folks, the time is nigh. The end is near.
The United States of America's run at hegemony is coming to an end. And it appears increasingly unstable and destructive on the world stage.
Just take a look at the Nord Stream 2 bombings according to Sy Hersh over at his substack. This is credible journalism from a trusted source. The actions of the leaders of the United States mirror that of a terrorist organization.
This is going to damage our relations with allies.
Next, look at the conflicts raging in the world. Israel is looking very close to committing genocide against the Palestinians. Oh the irony! It seems like humanity has entered a new age of embracing your immediate emotions and gunning your enemies down with a maniacal cackle instead of taking a thoughtful and peaceful road. We are sliding into a new authoritarian age.
Russia and Ukraine cant find peace. that conflict has cost untold lives. Both sides are dug in. The bodies just keep piling up.
This is an age where the most ruthless will grab for power. Where brains devolve to basic limbic functions because all you know is trauma. Monsters will rise from these depths, it only seems obvious. When you push violence towards people and call them animals, its all they will know and they'll respond with whatever means they have.
I can't fathom an approach where peace and justice prevail. What follows will be the time of revolutions. Maybe peace will appear where humans have come back into balance with the globe. Who know how long we got until then.